Can I do CrossFit®?
Yes, of course you can, anyone can join in the fun! CrossFit® is for anyone, from someone looking to start in their fitness journey to the already active, looking to improve their strength and conditioning.
Do I need to be in shape to do CrossFit®?
In short, no. All our workouts are programmed to be scaled (adjusted) for each individual’s fitness level. All our members do the same thing, just scaled appropriately to allow you the best exposure to all the movements at a challenging but tolerable intensity. The only requirements are that you have a positive attitude, a willingness to work hard and learn new things, and the desire to let us help you reach your fitness goals.
What do I need to bring?
We advise you to come in clothes that you can move around in (t-shirt, shorts and comfy shoes). A drinks bottle and towel are also recommended. Drinking water is available.
What is a “WOD”?
The "WOD" is the "workout of the day." Each day a new WOD is posted on the whiteboard within the gym. The WOD can be scaled to provide a suitable challenge for all abilities. Each session is an hour long and will include a group warm-up designed to get your blood flowing and your muscles and joints lose. We then dedicate some time to strength or skill work depending on the days focus. Some days will include a metcon (metabolic conditioning) normally at the end of the session, which will please those who like to get hot and sweaty! All activities will be observed by a coach ready to make sure everyone stays safe and motivated. Each session is completed with a fist bump, cool down and some stretching.
Can I come in and workout on my own?
Yes, we have dedicated Open Gym sessions throughout the week. See our Schedule.
What about my Nutrition?
In short: The ideal diet is based on eating meats, vegetables (mainly greens), nuts and seeds, some fruits, little starch and no sugar. Foods with a long shelf life are suspect. Proper nutrition will contribute to helping you withstand daily activities and workouts. Whatever your fitness goals, a good diet will be the driving force behind obtaining the results you desire.